Fotodiox Camera Review
Despite a few glitches, this camera has brought more fun into my life! While using it I had quite the epiphany. More on that later. As I have mentioned before, my friend, Philip, recently passed away from cancer. He fought for a long time and he did not want to go. Before he passed, he […]
LOMO Lubitel 166 Universal
Marcy’s Lomo Lubitel 166 Universal Camera Experience: My original thoughts regarding this camera: “This camera is really too good for me. I found it at a junk store in Grayland, Washington. It is capable of making some fabulous images! Like I said, It’s capable of making them , but I don’t know if I’m capable […]
Hollywood Reflex
They say Hollywood is a tough town to get a break in … and this is one tough camera. A cast metal twin-lens reflex “style” (meaning, not the real thing) camera. Manufactured in 1947 … well, what do you know? I just happen to have a roll of 620 film that expired in May of ’47! […]
Sunbeam six-twenty
I purchased this camera at the Puget Sound Photographic Collector’s Society camera show. They hold this show every April in Kent, WA. I paid a whopping five bucks for it. It’s gray deco self is cute enough, but I knew I had to own it when I turned it upside down to find, “HELEN’s. 1956 Won it for a […]
Anscoflex and Anscoflex II
The Anscoflex and the Anscoflex II cameras were designed by Raymond Loewy (the same guy who designed the Studebaker Avanti & Lucky Strike cigarette package). The Anscoflex & Anscoflex II cameras have big, fabulously bright viewfinders. The Anscoflex II has two built-in filters, one yellow, one close-up. Only one filter can be used at a […]
Ansco Rediflex
I spent a whopping eight bucks on this camera at a junk store in Raymond,WA. I even referred to the store as an antique store in front of the owner and she said ,”No, this is a bunch of junk.” There was film already in the camera. The photo of the boat on the […]