The setting: A garage sale in my home town in Michigan. In the back of the nifty old wooden dusty-musty garage was this beauty. No price tag. I brought it up front to the old guy sitting in his chair in the shade. “What do you want for this?” He pondered and he pondered. He took the camera from me and turned it about in his hands and pondered some more. Me … standing there … looking around. Squinting at the sky, most certainly nonchalant. He asked, hopefulness unconcealed, “Three bucks?” I about tore a hole in my pocket, trying to get the money out fast enough! Walking back to my folks’ place, I was messing with the camera and tripping over cracks in the sidewalk. Well, I hadn’t brought any 120 film and there aren’t any camera stores in the area so I waited until I got back to load the little sucker. Took it to Steamboat Rock – my happy place.

120 film. Not the worst of Diana’s relatives. A focusable lens, with typical cloudy, partly cloudy and sunny settings. Mild light leaks. “I” and “B” shutter settings. The flash attachment is interchangeable with other Diana types that accept flash. So, there’s that. Oh! She came with a plastic strap, which made her well worth the 3 bucks.