A summer full of #formalwearworninappropriately , etc.
The universe has thrown me a curve ball and I had to cancel our trip to Europe due to a health glitch. Meanwhile, the sun and the moon have conspired to present a total solar eclipse in my back-fucking-yard and that is one get-well card you do not ignore. Besides, in a rare moment of brilliance, […]
Handtinting photographs
I’ve spent a good part of my professional life hand-tinting photographs with a variety of paints, dyes, pastels, Photoshop etc. (There’s 30 years I won’t get back.) I have a youtube channel where I’ve posted three handtinting how-to videos. Click here for a link to the first How-to Handtinting with Oils 101. The second video […]
Bill Dawson, metalsmith
Gather ’round, my creative friends! I’m working on photographing some pieces by renowned metalsmith, Bill Dawson. ( click here for his website … but don’t go there yet! I still need your attention over here.) What I’ve been given are six whorls made from silver, gold, copper, etc. Before I began this project, I didn’t […]