
  The setting: A garage sale in my home town in Michigan. In the back of the nifty old wooden dusty-musty garage was this beauty. No price tag. I brought it up front to the old guy sitting in his chair in the shade. “What do you want for this?” He pondered and he pondered. He took the camera […]

Reader’s Digest

Marcy’s Reader’s Digest Camera Review:     I’ve been using my cameras way more than writing about them. I decided it was time to break this block using a true classic. Not a Diana. Looking back, I didn’t really have many good things to say about them. Well, that, and the fact that they’ve all been […]

Reliance Camera

Clevenger’s Junk Store (actually I think they used the word “Antiques”) in Aberdeen used to be the kind of junk store where you could buy cheap tools, Army surplus, a case of those frogs that “rivit” when you walk by, used file cabinets, antique replica furniture and ‘homemade’ fudge. Halfway toward the back of the store, there […]

Diana and her sisters

I bought my first two Diana cameras, a regular Diana and a Diana F, both for five bucks at a thrift store in Grayland, WA. At that time the Diana camera was going for $100 and better on eBay. Those boom times have passed and you can now pick up a Diana – or one […]