Mamiya U

Seriously? He was ALL HANDS! Super HANDy to use. If you’re not too picky about making decent images, the Mamiya U might be for “U”. Maybe I’m just not all that good with the zone focus? Sporting a 2.8 Mamiya Sekor 35mm lens, it’s a bit picky on the closer focus increments. My infinity shots […]

LOMO Lubitel 166 Universal

Marcy’s Lomo Lubitel 166 Universal Camera Experience: My original thoughts regarding this camera: “This camera is really too good for me. I found it at a junk store in Grayland, Washington. It is capable of making some fabulous images! Like I said, It’s  capable of making them , but I don’t know if I’m capable […]

Kiev 60

Forget the gym membership. Hefting this thing around will give you not only an upper body but also a core work out. A friend gave me this camera. With that TTL meter on top, it looks like it’s wearing a baseball cap sideways, doesn’t it? Meter and all, it weighs in at almost 4 pounds […]