Once upon a time there was a magnificent website. Well, ok… maybe it was magnificent only to me.


Where to begin with this? Ha! 2015 was the 20th anniversary of a website I run called JunkStoreCameras.com . Once a bustling metropolis populated with many plastic and bakelite cameras, over time the site has become run down. Its shades drawn, windows shattered, shutters tattered, signs hanging from one nail … you can hear the howling wind, right? This labor of love – and it is love! – has fallen by the wayside. For years now I’ve planned to set things right. I’ve had many stops and starts. Yesterday I had an epiphany! And tonight, I took a walk down memory lane.

Cruising through the old site and folders full of toy camera images I remembered so many fun times, working, sharing and exchanging ideas. Over the years I met SO MANY cool camera people! We’ve remained friends. They’ve stuck with me, even though JunkStoreCameras.com has fallen by the wayside.

Back to yesterday’s epiphany. I was lying in the bathtub when this idea hit me smack dab … somewhere. A New Year’s resolution! [I never make these.] Check this out: My New Year’s resolution for 2017: One camera review per day for 100 days. I’m actively working on updating JunkStoreCameras.com and now I’m motivated and inspired! So, look out! Tomorrow is January 1st. I’m going to start the 100 reviews with an update to the Argus Lady Carefree.

A Lady, Carefree!

It may take a little while for these updates to materialize on the site. Last year, I hired a team to restructure JunkStoreCameras.com and they’ve got to upload my updates. But the spark is there. 2017 … look out!

A few, fun, plastic camera photos:



6 Responses

  1. Junk Store Cameras introduced me to the amazing artist know as Marcy Merrill and for that I will be eternally grateful…..or disturbed……probably grateful….anyway! More cool camera reviews and stories!

  2. Great idea and amazing as always Marcy. It’s folks like you who help keep the oldies alive. Kudos from a non-entity to a master of her craft. Keep up the good fight.

  3. Love your pics and comments…you’re hilarious and creative and thoughtful and a wonderful person. Looking forward to 2017, the year of the phoenix!

  4. I forgive you for letting the place get run down. A maid service might have helped, but it probably would have been a roomba with a cat wearing a shark outfit, and you would have had to go in there with a gown, hip waders, and a butterfly net to get things straightened out.
    I look forward to the new JSC updates!
    We met on JSC about 16 years ago, and you have been to my house and didn’t trash it, so we are still friends. 🙂

  5. I have collected cameras for years and have enjoyed your site for a long time.
    I’m not a photographer , I only collected ‘old’ film cameras.
    I really believe the digital times has sort of taken the ‘mind’ art out taking pictures. With film you have frame ,compose, the shoot, no way to edit. Take what you get.
    Of course I’m in my eighties now and can’t develop film and no place to send it so it looks like I’m stuck with a bunch of shelf queens.

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