Oh man. So much amazing crap going on! I’ve got a couple of trips coming up and I had this idea. I want to bring a few cameras with me to leave behind with deserving (unfortunate?) souls. For one, I’m looking for tips on crazy, funky camera / photographica related places to go in the United Kingdom. Like, roadside Americana only without the “America” part. We’ve got a rail pass and no plans other than to head to Scotland shortly after landing at Heathrow. Here’s one of the cameras I plan to bring with me to leave behind:

I’ll bring some film and shoot a bit with these cameras, then I’ll simply leave them with whomever might appreciate them. The plan for the overseas trips is to bring US made cameras – most likely an [embellished? unembellished?] Argus C3 ( oh! a Matchmatic might be cool!) and possibly a Winpro 3512916715_1093002587426284_481462935443408232_o will be in the mix. Your thoughts and ideas are welcome!!!! Though I’m traveling light (ha!), including a few cameras won’t kill me. Leaving them behind will not only promote good will and world peace, but will also give me some room to bring some stuff home. So, that’s the U.K.

As of today, the only time I know I will definitely be somewhere is, toward the end of July. I signed up for a race in Iceland in the Westfjords and especially Isafjörður & Flateyri. We’re staying over at an old bookstore! Hopefully, we can avail the services of a camper provider (try this site here) while there, explore a few famous locations, and make this vacation as fruitful it can be. We also hope to walk some beaches, check out the weirdness of Iceland, and hopefully not freeze our asses off. It appears Iceland has some crazy museums. Like, the Nonsense Museum (seriously? Pez dispensers?) , the Phallological Museum , and The Punk Museum, to name a few.

Got ideas? Lemme know. You can leave a comment below or email me at marcy@merrillphoto.com . THANKS! Really, thanks. World peace through plastic cameras … seriously, it’s a thing. We’re all in this together.

Then there’s this: A road trip in the fall will take us (me, Bob ~ I think ~ & Hawkeye) across the northern states in this beast:

WAY more room to pack shit. Camera, cameras, cameras! We took a trip once where I left Junk Store Cameras shot glasses in weird places. That was really fun! Of course some were used. (Sorry) not sorry.

Found this once and hope to visit again when it’s actually open:

I had remembered that place as being in Wyoming but it’s in Alzada, Montana. We’ll be seeing you … if you’re still there. Anyone know?

Anyway, October will see more cameras, littering the northern plains states. You know… or wherever. This trip will culminate in the Detroit international half marathon. So there’s that. More on that later.

One Response

  1. Go for it Marcy…the real world is out there waiting for your “special” brand of photography and joy. Remember what this old Marine told you while you are running,”pain is only weakness leaving your body”. Semper fi

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