
I finally figured out what I want to do with my life! I’m mixing my love of alternative photography with my love for the river mud and turning it into pieces I’ve [somewhat embarrassingly] tagged #detritusredefined . I leave these pieces in off the wall places. A rusty exhibition of sorts. (You can click on the […]

A place for everything and everything in its place.

So my friend said, “You should blog about some of these studio updates you’re doing.” And I said, “My blog! Holy shit! My blog! I forgot all about it!” Here’s an update: A couple of months ago, the hot water tank went out. It’s in the back of the darkroom. We had to take a […]

Admissions of an addict.

My name is Marcy and I’m an addict. “HELLO MARCY” I haven’t been to the river in three days, fourteen hours and thirty six minutes. The scent of the earth … the mud, the brackishness of the water. The train echos across the river, gray in the morning light. I can’t get ENOUGH! I find […]