Argus C3

This review is out of control. It’s nearing springtime and I need to weed it and trowel the rows. I’m not one for thinning my seedlings however so, if you’re going to read this, you’re going to suffer. I think it’s turning into my quest for World Peace, rather than an actual Argus review. My […]

Argus Lady Carefree

Through the years, these Lady Carefree cameras have given me fits and starts. She sits upon the shelf, gathering dust. Time goes by and I forget that she just doesn’t work. Her job is to sit there, looking pretty. A stay-at-home camera with no real function. But, like I said, I forget this. Here’s my original […]

Argus 21 Mark Finder

Marcy’s Argus 21 Camera Review: It’s been said that many professional photographers cut their photographic teeth using an Argus camera. Well, I broke a nail once. This particular Argus 21 came to me via eF**. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew he wanted to party! He was busting out of his […]