I had a couple of cases of vintage cardboard cylinders. They were boxes for something photographic. Empty. I painted them flat black inside and made pinhole cameras out of them. I still have a few, but I sold most of them. Many have been Gala-fied. Most have catchy names, always including the word “hole”. The Hole-ier Than Thou, Hellhole, Miss USA-Hole, Peeky-hole … you get the picture.
Here’s a 4×5 pinhole camera fashioned after a grey tabby cat! Embellished with glass beads and taxidermist’s eyes … well, they aren’t taxidermist’s eyes …. they’re glass eyes that a taxidermist might use.
So you’re thinkin’, “She’s cute, but can she cook?” You tell me. Here are a couple of tasty images:
I sold this camera a while back, otherwise I’d shoot a photo of me and my Pussyhole.