As I toil toward that torchlight at the end of the tunnel, endlessly tapping fingertips to the keyboard, I become aware – this story will not end. But it will move on.

Here are the lessons I’ve learned [so far] during this Outermost Uncle journey.

1: Everyone. EVERYONE has a story. They explode with stories. Stories that branch from a pinpoint, to a tree to a world to a galaxy. As you push your cart through Costco, each person who passes and each person you pass, has an incredible story.

2: I miss posting about cameras. My fault. I was simply consumed with this other thing. (However, today I put up a review of the Yashica T4!)

3: These Outermost blog posts need more elbow room. Outermost posts are moving to their very own website. They need to get some growing space. You can definitely visit them at If you’re not inclined to read (fuck you!) (just kidding!) check out my Youtube channel where I share Outermost Uncle videos, blog posts, interviews, extra tidbits and just generally mess around.

A screenshot of my Outermost Uncle Youtube channel.
A screenshot of my Outermost Uncle Youtube channel!

The Outermost Uncle story will continue and, though there IS plenty of camera content at, needs to release that story and relax back into its own. Plus, I gotta figure out WHY this site is so damn slow. Ah… cameras… coming soon: reviews of a silly plastic camera that states right on the front “Take a funny picture”.

A plastic toy camera ToLNe. It says "Take a funny picture" on the front.
Sent to me from Becky Ramotowski a.k.a. Astrobeck

Also, I started a Junk Store Cameras Substack where you can read and chat about junky cameras. (Hey! I just got my first follower!) Fun times ahead!

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