Back to Cameras!

As I toil toward that torchlight at the end of the tunnel, endlessly tapping fingertips to the keyboard, I become aware – this story will not end. But it will move on. Here are the lessons I’ve learned [so far] during this Outermost Uncle journey. 1: Everyone. EVERYONE has a story. They explode with stories. […]

Herland Forest

Death is a common ground where we’re all headed. I’m going to die, feed a tree and save a forest. I’m all set.   It was Hipcamp that brought me to Herland. In looking for a campsite, not too far – no too close, the forest is what first drew me. As the listing states, […]

Reluctantly crouched

Shortly before our summertime trip to Iceland a while back, I saw a note about a “Runners’ Festival” in the Westfjords. Whadya know? It was happening during the time that we would be there. This Runners’ Festival, lasting 3 days, was touted to attract runners from all over the world. It said something like, “Imagine […]


CyClick was literally years in the making. I had a vision of an embellished bike, replete with cameras, cycling and documenting parades and various other functions. I’m also attempting to beautify the world, one rusty hulk at a time, hopefully bringing about world peace while I’m at it. That’s all. Click here for a YouTube video […]

Dog Friendly Venues

The magazines are out!  I spent quite some time working on this one. Dog friendly venues! Straight up my alley. Over a period of a couple of months, I traveled up and down the Grays Harbor area and surrounds, taking dog pics like a fiend. Congrats to those who ended up in the bit. So […]

Trips and ideas… YOUR ideas?

Oh man. So much amazing crap going on! I’ve got a couple of trips coming up and I had this idea. I want to bring a few cameras with me to leave behind with deserving (unfortunate?) souls. For one, I’m looking for tips on crazy, funky camera / photographica related places to go in the […]

I’m fine! Just “Differently Plateleted”

When people ask ,”Are you ok?” it hits me in exactly the same way as the question, “How far are you from the water?” A question with a surprisingly complicated answer. We live in North Cove, WA – an area referred to as Washaway Beach. When we bought our house in 1992 we weren’t considered […]