I have this idyllic picture in my head of what I’ll be doing throughout this fall / winter season. While the rain and wind pelt our house and studio, I’m busily working on my web sites, cooking great meals, working on my beaded bike (CyClick) and CLEANING MY STUDIO. This is the vision I have. Now that the weather has begun to pelt, the reality is … I begin to clean the studio. I climb the ladder to get to the bookshelves. I begin to slide the old photo books aside. But wait… I completely FORGOT about THIS book! I step down from the ladder, book in hand. I begin to thumb through it. Three hours later… you get the picture. But, who can resist?
The graphics… they slay me!
I learn a lot from the hints and tips.
Though I find it hard to part with these great reads, I really need to find more space to cram shit into … I mean… umm… to store treasured pieces of photographic equipment!
But then there are the cool ads…
The inevitable creepy children (and clowns):
This valuable advice, from CHATS ON PHOTOGRAPHY, “In fitting up a dark room it is imperative that in the first place it be really dark.”
More advice ( from various vintage photography books):
“The bodies of very young babies are unattractive, so the camera must confine itself to the facial features and expression.”