SEM Baby

I like to think I don’t have a “type”. I like colorful, little plastic cameras that make snapping noises. I like tin and Bakelite 127s. I do have some nice cameras – cameras that are too good for me. These are mostly gifts from people who never in a million years would have given me grampa’s […]
Rollei 35

A friend gave me this camera. She was going through a major life change – divorce & moving out of the state. Anyway, she stopped by before she left. She told me she had a camera for me and began to wax emotional about how her father had given her this camera when she was in high […]

This is a page for my Minox experiences. The Minox B is arguably the most-dropped camera of all time. That’s the first thing I did after taking it out of the box. It’s the first thing the next person did after I handed it to them. I need to get another Minox repaired and when […]
Mark XII

I found this Imperial Mark XII camera on eBay. The year was 2000. It had film in it. This camera accepts 620 film and the film that was inside had been exposed oh way back when. I processed the roll and … well… I really don’t have much to say about that. Fast forward […]
Victoria’s Secret

I found this camera at a Goodwill store in Kentucky. It had a roll of exposed C41 in it. I swear these are photos of the women of Victoria’s Secret! Looks like someone had opened the back about 100 times. There were scary bits and pieces on the film. This camera […]
Transparent Camera

I found this camera at a Value Village in Tacoma. The price tag said 99 cents but it was half price day so I got it for $.50. I know, I got screwed out of a half a penny. There was a roll of film inside and I’m such a sucker for exposed film. Okay […]
Univex Iris

The basics: Made by Universal Camera Corp. USA. The lens is an Ilex Vitar 50mm. 7.9 – 22f. Shutter speeds are “I”, “B” and “T”. Very deco, with a viewfinder on the top. It takes six exposures on Univex film. The lens assembly pops out, away from the body. Made of heavy metal and 2 […]
Ansco Rediflex

I spent a whopping eight bucks on this camera at a junk store in Raymond,WA. I even referred to the store as an antique store in front of the owner and she said ,”No, this is a bunch of junk.” There was film already in the camera. The photo of the boat on the […]
Ansco Shur Shot

Doesn’t everyone have a pile of Shur Shot box cameras? Sometimes they’re Ansco, sometimes Agfa. The graphics differ as do the limited features. The Agfa Ansco Corporation introduced the Shur Shot camera in 1932. One model had a 6×9 cm frame. Another model, with a smooth front, had a 6.5×11 cm frame. That same year, Ansco introduced […]
Brownie Number 2A Model C

I bought this Brownie box camera in a town named Bow. It was at one of those junk stores that are like how junk stores used to be. Crammed with funky, interesting junk at decent prices for funky, interesting junk. This camera was five bucks. The back latch was broken. What intrigued me was that […]