I found this Imperial Mark XII camera on eBay. The year was 2000. It had film in it. This camera accepts 620 film and the film that was inside had been exposed oh way back when. I processed the roll and … well… I really don’t have much to say about that.

I think someone took a selfie in the mirror without enough light for this very exposurely challenged camera.


House and snow?


House and snow … or overexposed-ness?

Fast forward 18 years. I used this camera’s image as inspiration for a new Junkstorecameras.com home page image. I also use it on my Junk Store Cameras Facebook page. Ashley asked, “Do you have any images from the camera used as your profile picture?” This sent me on a quest to find any negs I might have made using this camera. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve never actually used this camera. I took the question as a challenge. I took that camera off the shelf and gave her a good “c-l-a” (though there wasn’t much to “a”. Ok, there was nothing to “a”.).  I ran a roll of Fujicolor 400 print film through her.

Washaway, WA


Rotating Railroad Bridge. Raymond, WA
Rotating Railroad Bridge. Raymond, WA


Raymond, WA


Imperial Mark XII. My tile floor. Some of these exposures – especially the more close-up exposures, have a blob of unfocused-ness in the middle.


Got to admit, I do like the mid century modern lines.

They come in quite an array of colors.

Just picked up this tan Mark XII at the 2018 PSPCS camera show in Kent, WA. Her shutter seems quite perky.
Just picked up this tan Mark XII at the 2018 PSPCS camera show in Kent, WA. Her shutter seems quite perky.




Here’s a tad bit of useful info if you own a Diana F….


The Imperial Flash attachment fits and functions on a Diana F camera.


If you have a Diana F and no Diana Flash, you can usually find these Imperial flash attachments (they fit quite a few plastic Imperial cameras) in the free bin at the camera show.

Here’s a link to a video about how to re-spool 120 film onto a 620 spool.

3 Responses

  1. The rear lens of the viewfinder is missing on mine, so it makes it kinda difficult to use. But, that never stops one, does it?

    1. Kenny: We simply MUST persevere. Do not let the camera’s shortcomings hinder you. Ha! Seriously though, I doubt the viewfinder is all that precise anyway.

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