During Covid, a lot of things happened when we weren’t supposed to be doing anything. New podcasts seemed to pop up every week. Seeking some cameraderie, I started listening. Not just listening to camera-related podcasts, I also managed to sneak in some other topics. I revolutionized my compost system, attempted to up my game in the creative communication realm, listened to the travel experiences of others, and I learned that the possum is a very misunderstood animal.
When I start with a new podcast, I don’t generally listen to every episode in sequence. I like to just take a sip here and there at first. I found you have to give it more than an episode or two to formulate an opinion. Like, All Through A Lens. At first I thought they were too chatty. After listening to a few more episodes, they are now at the top of my listening list. I love the conversations with the variety of photographers.
I began listening to the Camerosity Podcast last year. Mike Eckman and his band of geniuses provide a place for some of the most intense historical camera and photographica banter on the ‘net. Here’s how that went:
First, I listened to an archived episode or two. Here’s an example of something that might have been said : “Well, I believe the company began dotting the ‘i’ in the insignia in red, rather than white, beginning in June of 1971, Mike. Not May of ’71.” My eyes glazed over. Sometimes these guys would go so far down the rabbit hole on some tidbit of photographic minutia, my skull would cave in on itself and I’d drift off. Buncha nerds.
Oh! But then there’d be something interesting! Hold on! I’d laugh along at the little camera-related jokes. More episodes rolled by and I found myself nodding and agreeing (while in the kitchen, following a falafel recipe or some such thing) and commenting. Out loud. Though no one could hear me. “Oh yeah! Yup!” Or I would contradict someone. Out loud. Sometimes I would say something at the same time as someone on the [prerecorded] podcast. Then we’d both laugh. Though we wouldn’t actually laugh, knowingly, together at the same time – since this was, as I mentioned before, prerecorded.
Then Mike bought a couple of cameras from me. We had a conversation or two via messenger. He said, “Why don’t you join us sometime?” So I did.
It was fun listening to everyone chime in on the different camera related subjects in real time. Interesting. Informative. Then … “Marcy. Do you have anything you want to say?” (I had a list of stuff.) “You’re awfully quiet over there.”
Suddenly I was a stunned mullet.
So I guess I’m not the podcast-participating type. I might try again though. Maybe I’m a mullet for punishment?
The folks at FPP , Film Photography Project’s Podcast remind me of Click and Clack when they laugh a little too long at their own jokes, however I really like listening to Leslie Lazenby. She explains things so well and enunciates every syllable. E-ver-y syl-la-ble. In a pleasing way.
I’ve liked the Lensless Podcast , about pinhole photography (though I encourage them to pick up the pace – out loud, once again with no one to actually hear me). That one will definitely get a bit more of my ear.
All of this to ask, what are your favorite podcasts? Can someone recommend something to me? Link it in the comments section below. If that form works – and I think it will. This is my brand new 20 years of Junk Store Cameras Anniversary web site upgrade! Surprise!
Update: So far, the recommendations are (from the Junk Store Cameras Facebook page):
Black Box Down (not camera-related)
Now that I’ve finally added a comments form, you can actually comment. I’m such a dork.
Comments are a new thing in the here parts? I’m approaching your blog the way you approach podcasts, kind of
I really need to update this page. I’ve been binging podcasts and find I’m sorry when I complete a set I really like.